What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

Building Trust in Your Choices Through Mapping: From Uncertainty to Clear Decision-Making

Each time I sit with someone learning to map their choices, there’s a moment I watch for—that subtle shift when they move from uncertainty to recognition. “Yes,” they say softly, “that’s exactly it.” It’s not just clarity they’re discovering. It’s a deeper trust in their own knowing.

The Journey to Trust

Building trust in your choices isn’t about eliminating uncertainty or guaranteeing outcomes. It’s about developing a relationship with your own wisdom. I learned this firsthand when I began mapping my own choices years ago. Each map became more than just a decision-making tool—it became a conversation with myself, a way to recognize and honor what I already knew.

Recently, I watched this unfold with Emma, who came to me questioning every decision she made. “I second-guess everything,” she told me. As she created her first maps, something began to shift. She started noticing patterns in her choices, recognizing her own wisdom showing up again and again. “I’m starting to trust myself,” she shared after a few sessions. “Not because the choices are easier, but because I can see my own thinking more clearly.”

Patterns of Wisdom

One of the gifts I love most about Choice Mapping is its ability to reveal patterns in your decision-making. As you create maps for different choices, you begin noticing themes—what consistently matters to you, what fears often arise, what possibilities light you up.

The Power of Visual Memory

When you look at your collection of Choice Maps spread out before you, you’re seeing more than just decisions recorded on paper. Each map tells a story of your growing wisdom. I remember sitting with Thomas as he reviewed six months of maps. “I had no idea how much I’d learned about myself,” he said, noticing how his choices had evolved, how his trust in his own judgment had deepened.

Your maps become touchstones—visible reminders of your capacity to make conscious choices. A client recently shared how she returns to her maps when facing new decisions. “They remind me that I’ve navigated uncertainty before,” she said. “And I can do it again.”

From Fear to Faith

Fear often shows up around important choices—fear of making mistakes, fear of uncertainty, fear of change. Choice Mapping doesn’t eliminate these fears. Instead, it helps you see them clearly while staying connected to what matters most.

Nicole taught me this when mapping her choice about launching a new project. Her initial map was filled with fears and doubts. But as she continued mapping, something shifted. “The fears are still there,” she told me, “but they’re not driving the bus anymore. I can see them alongside my excitement, my vision, my knowing.”

Trust in Action

Building trust through mapping isn’t passive—it’s an active practice of staying present with your choices. Each time you create a map, you strengthen your ability to:

  • Listen to your inner knowing
  • Notice patterns in your choices
  • Stay clear about what matters most
  • Take aligned action while remaining open to possibility

I watch this develop naturally in my clients. The woman who once second-guessed every decision now moves forward with quiet confidence. The man who needed external validation for each choice now trusts his own wisdom. The transformation isn’t about making perfect choices—it’s about developing a reliable relationship with your own decision-making process.

Your Continuing Journey

As you continue your mapping practice, remember that trust builds over time. Each map you create, each insight you capture, each pattern you notice contributes to your growing confidence in making conscious choices.

I think of Elisa, who began mapping her choices during a major life transition. “At first, I was looking for guarantees,” she shared recently. “Now I understand—it’s not about knowing everything in advance. It’s about trusting myself to navigate whatever emerges.”

Through all the articles in this series, you’ve explored different aspects of Choice Mapping—from its origins to practical techniques, from managing major decisions to discovering new possibilities. At its heart, this practice offers something precious: a way to build enduring trust in your ability to make choices that align with who you truly are. Return to my Choice Mapping overview to revisit the foundations of this practice.

Develop Your Mapping Practice

Get your copy of The Book of Choice or join me for guided practice in my free interactive workshop: The Creative Art of Choice Mapping.

Explore the Choice Mapping Series
