Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

My Favorite Interviews

My Favorite Interviews

Listen to some of my favorite conversations with introspective, interesting people
as we dig deeper into the topic of our choices and what they mean to us.

Listen to a curated Spotify playlist featuring podcasts where I am being interviewed by many wonderful hosts, ideal for easy listening. Click here to enjoy.

In this episode of The Joyful Journey podcast, Anita Adams, author of Whispers of the Soul, spoke about the power of choice and discussed the art of choice mapping, how to make conscious decisions and whether there’s really such a thing as a bad choice. Take a listen. I trust you’ll find our conversation insightful and helpful for your own decision-making journey!

On The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur Podcast, I spoke with Sharon Wilson about the power of Choice Mapping and how it can be used for business owners. Prior to our speaking on this podcast, I took Sharon through a personalized mapping experience for her business. We discussed how she felt after a choice where she’d lost her way. Wanting to find her way back and reinfuse her business with energy, gave her an opportunity to exemplify to her community what it really means to be a spiritually persistent entrepreneur.

I joined Mike Ayalon on the Foodie Fraternity podcast for a lively chat about the exciting world of choices that college students and emerging adults navigate. We discussed the thrill of trusting your gut, the courage in making decisions that may not always be popular, and the adventure that is entrepreneurship. I shared some insights on starting small and soaking up the learning journey. We also touched on the importance of friendships, and the joy of reconnecting with old pals. This conversation is a must-listen for any student or emerging adult—it’s like a friendly chat packed with nuggets of wisdom.

Marni Battista and I spoke about about the profound impact of making intentional choices. As a choice coach, I’ve experienced firsthand how our decisions shape our lives, and Marni shared her big choice to step away from a life she knew. I discussed g my unique choice mapping system. We spoke about the importance of shedding fears and limiting beliefs, enabling us to make choices that resonate with our deepest values. I emphasized how being conscious of our choices opens up incredible opportunities for growth. I encouraged listeners to envision the endless possibilities that come with embracing an examined life, reminding everyone that we have agency over our choices and can create the life we desire. 

I had the pleasure of joining Jeannie Spiro on The Midlife CEO podcast, and it was an incredibly insightful conversation. We discussed a range of topics, including the power of conscious choices, stepping out of comfort zones, and embracing our zones of genius for personal and professional success. We also explored the transformative impact of developing a choice language, making decisions aligned with our values, and the connection between choices, action, and new possibilities. Jeannie’s knack for asking thought-provoking questions made the discussion engaging and inspiring. Tune in to this episode for a deep dive into the power of your choices—it’s 50 minutes well worth your time. 

Cassandra Crawley and I dug deep into the art of making meaningful choices and how these decisions can be game-changers in our lives. I opened up about my journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship and how being let go was actually a pivotal moment for me. We discussed the #ChoiceMapping process which helps people get clear on their decisions, and how parents can guide their kids in making solid choices. Whether you’re navigating a new job or relationship, or pursuing your passion, choices matter at every age. I hope you enjoy listening so you can gain helpful insights into making better choices for yourselves!

I met Robert MacPhee, author, entrepreneur, and leadership expert, years ago during an event and we became fast friends. In this first interview, I interview Robert about The Prosperity Game, a concept I found fascinating. Money is a loaded topic, but Robert shares how this game is a powerful, beautiful format for people to not only converse about money but expand their money consciousness.

Robert created the Excellent Decisions leadership program, when he learned about my work and book, The Book of Choice. We decided it was time for another conversation. This time, Robert interviewed me and we did a deep dive into what intrigues us about our choices. We spoke about how to free ourselves from the negative stories that we create about ourselves because of the “bad” choices we’ve made, how to bring greater intentionality to our future choices, and much more.

Mark Friedman and I worked together over 30 years ago and recently had the opportunity to reconnect. If you’re curious about my backstory this is the conversation for you! During his Marketing Playbook podcast, we went way, way back to my past as a teenager, my first job, and my career in the fashion industry and how that all paved the way for my work today as a consultant and coach. I share how my gift was revealed to me over time and what I plan to do with it…

Jennifer Urezzio is a phenomenal coach and I’ve been blessed by her friendship for many years. I was a guest on her SuperPowers of the Soul podcast and we spoke about the importance of grounding your choices with your internal (not external) purpose. We went deeper into analyzing the before and after of our choices, how to benefit from past choices we now regret, and the five questions to ask when making a conscious choice for the future.

In this video interview,  you’ll see the impact Jennifer had on my life (she was the one who helped me to embrace that I was, in fact, a teacher!). You’ll also learn about my journey and how I discovered my passion for mapping choices as a way to distill the wisdom revealed to us over time.

Jen then interviewed me a second time to discuss the development of self related to choice. Listen in here.