Work with Kim
How do you really put into words what it's like to work with Kim?
It's always deep, always truthful, always unexpected.
And, it's always magical!
It's always deep, always truthful, always unexpected.
And, it's always magical!
Brynn B.Unbelievably happy client (her actual words)
- Are you facing an important decision? Do you have something big coming up and the pressure’s on? People come to me because something is getting in the way of them achieving what they want. Sometimes they know exactly what that “thing” is, and other times, it’s not so clear.
- Depending on the situation you’re facing, you might be feeling the stress of something you must do. Or, excitement and nervousness might be bubbling up because it’s something you want to do! I understand these "buts" well, and my gift is easing your concerns and making sense of all the factors to help you see a clear path forward.
- All that mental clutter that’s getting in the way? Together, we'll break through it and clear the path for your success. The best way to discover how I can assist you is to book a Clarity Call. During this call, we’ll gain clarity on exactly what your most pressing challenge or opportunity is right now and explore how I can help you navigate it.
- What’s the right way to work with me? Let’s make that decision together. It all starts with a free call.
What Others are Saying...
Kim is a Guide Like No Other
Reflecting on the history of my decisions (and life) I began to see patterns emerge - both good and not so helpful! Kim helped me see the influence and power of each person I let into my life, whether this person has "hurt" me and moved on, or whether they are still in my life. Each interaction caused a chain reaction of happenings.
Kim's coaching and mapping is unique and very special as she probes the recesses of your desires, dreams, pains and tender spots to find new appreciation for you, for your life, and for your decisions. By learning the power of your decisions, and your choices, you can use your power more wisely. You can learn to forgive those that hurt you because they have given you so much in the way of connections, lessons and awakenings.
The power of choice is always with us, but we too often forget and feel the effect of life, until we realize that every choice has a repercussion. When you look back, you realize that there is no wrong way to do things.
Kim Helped Me Make Sense of My Life
The map Kim created for me helped me visually experience and make sense of a time that hadn't made sense to me. It provided an affirmation that there was a method to my madness even if I couldn't see it when I was living it.
Kim pulled the key "nuggets" from this time in my life that are shaping my future, while letting go of the things that aren't relevant to me anymore. The map revealed a process, which at the time I couldn't articulate and I might not have even understood, but that was there. Her process has served me well and now I can be more intentional about using it moving forward. None of my current growth would have been possible without this work.
Her coaching is perfect for anyone going through transition, which is a time of overwhelm. When you can learn from, and visually see, the repercussions from the choices you've already made, the clarity moving forward is incredibly valuable.
Kim Helped Me Move Forward with Freedom
When my parents passed, I inherited all the furniture I grew up with. The choice to get rid of it and buy new furniture was very hard. I carried guilt but knew I needed to create my own space.
After working with Kim, it's now clear that I didn't fully appreciate the ramifications of my decision and how having that clarity empowered me moving forward. Following my choice to redecorate my living room, I had a whole new energy. I began to step up and take control of my life again.
Looking at my map, I was validated knowing I wasn't dishonoring my parents. I then got rid of the weight of my guilt. I'm now moving forward with freedomNow I feel better than ever about trusting my intuition and building whatever I want to create.
I Found Closure Coaching with Kim
The experience of creating my map allowed me to let go. To have Kim, who listened to all I shared with her full heart, and care as much as she does, is so liberating. Then seeing my map, with all the branches stemming from my initial choice, and not necessarily knowing where any branch might lead, was really about honoring the unknown. I saw that it was okay to have unresolved questions. It harnessed my trust and certainty that there's a path for me. And even though I might not always see it, it exists.
Sometimes there's a choice you've made in your past that's so tenacious that it keeps coming up over and over again in your mind. Having your own map can help you make peace with that choice. Kim's process will show you a different perspective of your life that'll allow you to have closure while at the same time opening you up to a journey, even if you can't quite see the destination.
I Discovered Healing Through a New Perspective
I was experiencing huge transitions so creating a map was good for me to reflect on my past to see how I got to where I am today. Kim opened me up to share things I've never even said out loud before. There's something incredibly therapeutic about having someone look at your choices from the outside and then present it to you in a completely different way, without judgment.
Having my choice mapped out visually on paper was eye-opening. I saw how certain lessons kept on showing up. It was incredible to see all the patterns. Once I recognize the patterns showing up in different scenarios, I'm empowered to accept them or choose to find new patterns that will serve me better.
Kim's Intuitive Skills Take You on a Journey to Rediscover your True Self!
Kim has an uncanny ability to ask just the right questions at the right time, to do a safe deep-dive into what your decisions have created in this life of yours. How can you put a price on this awareness? This kind of work is profoundly person, spiritual, yet has enormous impact in your relationships, businesses, confidence and personal power. You can really reach an empowered state by finding the treasures of your life hidden in an Exploration Map.
The truth is, you often can't see the treasure because you become too buried in the craziness of your life. Your fears, pains, and subconscious beliefs put blinders on this part of your awareness. Kim's intuitive skills take you on a journey to rediscover your true self, find answers to the buried questions, and realize how powerful your future really is...and you are in the driver's seat. You just forgot.