What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

The Birth Story: From Personal Tool to Proven Practice

A decade ago, I opened my mind-mapping software with one intention—to capture the noise in my head about one choice I’d made. I wasn’t seeking to create a methodology. I wasn’t trying to develop a new tool for decision-making. I simply needed a way to understand how one decision—attending an out-of-the-box coaching event—had created many ripples in my life.

The First Map

That evening, I started on the left side of my screen with that single choice. Then, moving right, I began documenting everything that had flowed from that decision—the people I’d met, the opportunities that emerged, the new thoughts and possibilities that had opened up. As I captured each element, something shifted inside me. What had felt like a chaotic swirl of disconnected experiences suddenly revealed its patterns. I could see, laid out before me, how one conscious choice had created a cascade of possibilities.

From Personal Practice to Shared Discovery

After creating that first map, I found myself mapping other choices—past decisions I wanted to understand, present choices asking for clarity, future possibilities calling me forward. Each map taught me something new about the power of bringing visual clarity to our decisions. I had no idea I was developing a methodology. I was simply following my curiosity, my need to see choices more clearly.

Then something unexpected happened. When friends saw my maps, they wanted their own. Not just to look at them—they wanted to create them. I remember my first mapping session with Nancy. “What choice would you like to explore?” I asked, having no real method in mind but trusting the process would reveal itself. Our conversation meandered naturally through questions about why she made her choice, what fears she needed to release, how she wanted to show up differently. Without realizing it, we were laying the foundation for what Choice Mapping would become.

Discovering the Power of Gratitude

What surprised me most as my mapping practice evolved was how naturally it cultivated gratitude. Each time I mapped a choice—whether past, present or future—I found myself appreciating the web of support, opportunities and learning that surrounded my decisions.

This became especially clear when mapping choices that initially felt challenging. One memorable session involved mapping what I’d thought was a “wrong” career choice from years before. As I documented the relationships formed, skills developed, and unexpected doors that opened, something shifted. What had felt like a misstep revealed itself as a crucial part of my journey.

This pattern of discovering gratitude through mapping showed up consistently in client sessions too. Maria came to map what she considered a “failed” business venture. As she traced the connections made and lessons learned, her perspective shifted completely. “I’ve been carrying this as a burden,” she said, looking at her completed map. “Now I can see it was actually a gift.”

The Art of Mapping Emerges

Over a decade, those initial experiments grew into hundreds of mapping sessions. Each person brought different choices, different questions, different needs for clarity. Yet certain patterns emerged naturally—ways of questioning that consistently opened new insights, approaches that brought clarity where confusion had been.

What struck me most was watching how the visual nature of mapping changed people’s relationship with their choices. Instead of getting lost in analysis or overwhelmed by options, they could literally see their decision laid out before them. I remember working with Michael, who came to me tangled in thoughts about a career transition. As his map took shape, his energy shifted completely. “I’ve been thinking about this for months,” he said, “but I’ve never seen it so clearly.”

The Moment Everything Changed

The real turning point came when my book editor suggested I create a chapter explaining how to make a map. I remember staring at my screen, wondering how to describe something that had always felt so intuitive. Yet as I began documenting the process, I discovered that what had evolved naturally over years could be shared with others in a way that maintained its power while being accessible to anyone.

That’s when I realized—Choice Mapping isn’t about creating perfect maps or following rigid rules. It’s about having a reliable way to bring visual clarity to our choices, to engage in dialogue with ourselves, to discover our own way of mapping what matters most.

Understanding Natural Momentum

Another revelation emerged as I worked with more clients: how one consciously mapped choice creates momentum for future decisions. It’s like dropping a pebble in a pond—the ripples keep moving outward, creating waves of possibility you couldn’t have predicted.

I remember working with David, who initially came to map a simple choice about joining a professional association. That choice led to unexpected connections, which opened doors to speaking opportunities, which eventually inspired him to write a book. None of these later developments were part of his original plan. They emerged naturally from making that first conscious choice and staying awake to what unfolded.

This understanding transformed how I guide people through mapping. Now, when someone maps what seems like a small choice, I encourage them to stay open to the momentum it might create. Every choice, consciously made and clearly seen, has the potential to set larger changes in motion.

A Living Practice

Today, Choice Mapping continues to evolve through each person who uses it. While the basic principles remain constant—visual representation, focused questions, concise truth-telling—each mapper brings their own wisdom to the practice. I’ve watched artists add color and creativity to their maps, analytical thinkers develop detailed systems of branches, and intuitive people create flowing, organic representations of their choices.

Just last week, a client showed me how she’d adapted her mapping practice to include small drawings alongside her words. “The images help me connect with what I really want,” she explained. Her innovation reminded me that this practice is alive, growing through each person who makes it their own.

Your Invitation to Map

The birth of Choice Mapping carries an important truth: sometimes our most powerful tools emerge not from careful planning but from following a simple need for clarity. What began as one person’s attempt to understand a choice has become a methodology that helps hundreds navigate their decisions with greater consciousness and confidence.

Your mapping journey will be uniquely yours. Just as I discovered my way through curiosity and practice, you’ll find your own path to bringing clarity to your choices. The most important elements aren’t perfect technique or beautiful presentation—they’re your willingness to explore, to ask honest questions, to capture what’s true for you.

In the articles that follow, I share specific mapping techniques and approaches. But remember—the most important element isn’t perfect execution. It’s your willingness to bring visual clarity to your choices, to engage in dialogue with yourself, to discover your own way of mapping what matters most. When you’re ready to begin, my practical guide shows you exactly how to start mapping.

Start Your Mapping Journey

Get your copy of The Book of Choice or join me for direct experience in my free interactive workshop: The Creative Art of Choice Mapping.

Explore the Choice Mapping Series
