Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

The Journey of Choice: Lessons from the Camino de Santiago

The Journey of Choice: Lessons from the Camino de Santiago

Embracing Unexpected Inspiration

Unexpected inspiration often arrives when we least expect it, breathing new life into the familiar. Last week, I experienced this while preparing for my Journey to Possibility workshop. What unfolded was a beautiful reminder of how we can revitalize our work and lives by staying open to new experiences.

Lessons from the Camino de Santiago

In early September, I had the privilege of facilitating a conversation with four women who’d walked the Camino de Santiago. Their stories of pilgrimage, transformation and self-discovery resonated deeply with me. As I listened, it struck me how much impact these insights could have on the workshop I was about to lead.

Integrating the Camino’s Wisdom

Inspired by their wisdom, I integrated the Camino metaphors into my Possibility workshop. This provided a robust framework, using pilgrimage-inspired ideas to guide participants through themes like facing the unknown, overcoming challenges, and recognizing the choice inherent in personal growth.

One favorite example from our discussion highlighted the importance of choice: On the Camino, pilgrims often speak of being ‘called’ to walk. Today, we’re exploring what calls you forward in your life. What choice is beckoning you, even if it seems daunting or unclear right now?

Transformative Workshop Outcomes

This focus on personal callings and choices perfectly set the stage for what was to unfold in the workshop.

The result? A workshop reimagined into a deeply enriching experience for six brave women. Each explored making a meaningful choice for the coming year, not just as a planning exercise, but as a pilgrimage of their hearts. The choices they contemplated included:

  • I choose to explore my next professional path.
  • I choose to write my next book.
  • I choose to honor myself while finding my tribe.

Each choice, like the journey of a pilgrim, involved trusting the process, believing that “The Camino provides,” and understanding that progress often comes from small, steady steps rather than giant leaps.

Every choice we make is a brave step toward becoming our true selves.

Renewing Paths and Possibilities

This experience was a powerful reminder of how everyday conversations and experiences can significantly enhance our work and lives. By comparing the physical Camino journey to each woman’s personal growth journey, the workshop took on new depth and meaning for all involved.

Invitation to Explore

Stay alert to inspiration
Where in your life or work could you infuse some fresh perspective? What recent experiences or conversations might offer new insights if you look at them closely?

Invitation to Explore: This week, identify an aspect of your life or work that could use rejuvenation. Deliberately engage in an activity or conversation outside your usual routine. Afterward, consider how the fresh perspectives gained might invigorate your identified area.

Remember, like the Camino, our journeys of personal growth and choice are ongoing. By staying open to new perspectives and attentive to fresh insights, we can continually renew our paths and possibilities.

Buen Camino on your journey of choice!
