What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

Shift Shame into Growth After Making a Mistake

How to Shift Shame into Growth After Making a Mistake

Have you ever made a choice you regret?

Most likely, as we all have. This type of experience is a rite of passage in our human journey. We all make mistakes, and it’s critical that we learn from them.

But what happens when we make a choice that has a significant impact on our lives, and we’re not able to forgive ourselves?

I recently learned about a high school senior, let’s call him Jake, who used an AI tool to write an essay and got expelled for plagiarism. Now he’s struggling with shame and regret.

Seems like a bad decision on the surface, but there’s more to this story.

The Choices We Make

While it’s common to label choices as “good” or “bad,” this simplistic categorization often prevents us from delving deeply into why we made the choice and how we handled its fallout.

Jake’s decision, misguided as it may be, can actually be the first step in his growth. He needs to understand his mistake, own it, apologize, and most importantly, learn from it. If he does that, this unfortunate incident could be a turning point.

But What About Shame?

Let’s say Jake doesn’t deal with it. What if he lets the shame fester and grow? Shame can be like an unseen weed, rooting deep, draining our energy and isolating us.

Fast forward to Jake at fifty, still haunted by this incident. He may feel alienated, struggling with relationships and battling depression.

Sounds scary, doesn’t it? But what if we could help?

Shifting Shame into Growth

Shame has a way of paralyzing us, holding us captive in a space of self-doubt, fear, and stagnation. It’s not just an emotion; it’s a state of being that can lock us into a pattern of destructive thinking. But what if we could shift that shame into growth? It’s not an easy journey, but it’s one filled with potential transformation.

Here’s how we might guide Jake, or anyone dealing with a similar situation, to move beyond shame:

  • Understanding the Root of Shame: The first step in shifting shame into growth is understanding why it’s there. What underlying fears or beliefs triggered this feeling? For Jake, was it the fear of failure or judgment from others? By identifying the root cause, we can begin to address the underlying issue.
  • Acceptance and Compassion: It’s essential to accept that the choice was made and that it cannot be changed. However, it doesn’t define who Jake is or who he will become. Compassion towards oneself is a vital step in moving beyond shame.
  • Creating a Growth Mindset: Encourage the development of a growth mindset, where mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as failures. This shift in perspective can turn a regretful situation into a powerful lesson.
  • Seeking Support: Sometimes, professional help or supportive friends and family can make the process of shifting from shame to growth easier. Having someone to talk to and share feelings with can be a tremendous relief.
  • Taking Positive Actions: Encouraging Jake to take positive actions such as apologizing or making amends where appropriate can lead to healing and growth. Taking responsibility for our actions empowers us to make better choices in the future.
  • Being a Role Model: As a friend or family member, demonstrating a healthy way to cope with mistakes and shame can be a powerful example. Show that it’s possible to learn and grow from our mistakes, rather than being defined by them.

The key here is to see shame not as a dead-end but as a crossroads. It’s a point in time where we can choose to stay stuck or decide to learn, grow and move forward. It’s not about forgetting the past but about embracing it as a part of our journey, a stepping stone towards becoming a stronger, wiser and more resilient individual.

Jake’s story is not unique; we all have the capacity to shift from shame into growth, transforming our regrets into lessons and our mistakes into stepping stones.

With empathy, support and proactive steps, we can turn shame into a catalyst for personal growth and healing, using our past not as a weight to hold us down but as a foundation to build a more authentic and fulfilling future.

Healing and Moving Forward

We’ve all made choices that cause us to cringe. What’s important is that we learn from these experiences. Instead of seeing them as mistakes, we can view them as lessons, as opportunities for growth.

Like Maya Angelou said, “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.

That’s the beauty of our journey: we’re always learning, growing, and doing better.
