As you ponder the question “what’s next?” how do you feel?
Excited or anxious? Thrilled or wary? Empowered or overwhelmed? Or do you possibly feel a bit blank… because you’ve hit a dead end and you have no idea what’s next?
Now imagine approaching what’s next with clarity, conviction and integrity.
As your coach, my gift is helping you explore your meaningful choices from a new vantage point.
Utilizing my Choice Mapping System™ you’ll literally “see” the places where you’ve been stuck. You’ll notice untrod paths of potential. You’ll discover that opening up to new possibilities will have an enormous impact on your relationships, career path, confidence and personal power.
To get started, I invite you to schedule a What’s Next? Coaching Session.
Whether you already have a choice you want to explore or just have a vague idea that something needs to change, our conversation will provide you with clarity. In our 60-minutes together we’ll take an aerial view of your choice and explore the possibilities that will result when you take action.
This coaching session is the best way to experience for yourself how the Choice Mapping System™ will give you an entirely new vantage point and empower you to move forward with conviction and integrity.
For anyone who wants to explore a meaningful choice that will impact their life.
Imagine that you’re looking into the vista of your future—it’s blank, limitless, and full of potential and possibility. What choice can you make today that will set you in motion to move into the possibility of that future?
As you focus on a choice, your goal is to stay conscious and alert—to live in the moment and be present to the actions you take that continue to support your choice to move forward.
Today you’re going to make a choice that will create momentum. It doesn’t need to be big but it does need to matter and get you excited. You’re making this choice because you want to, not because you should.
So often we direct our energy to the end goal, the destination, as if that’s the most important vantage point on which to focus. Is it really? What about all the steps that occur in between that, without attention, might go unnoticed? The richness of a choice is in the magical unfolding of the journey you’re on.
Utilizing my Choice Mapping System™, you’ll have a powerful yet flexible roadmap that will empower you to step into your future with confidence. The process of mapping, encourages an openness to noticing what unexpected opportunities, synchronicities and possibilities present themselves because of the choice you just made.
For anyone who wants to reflect upon a past choice to examine the treasure hidden in messages from their past to use for their future.
We typically have two vantage points to view our past choices—from a place of regret or with recognition that these choices have defined who we are and set the bedrock upon which we’re proud to stand.
Reflecting upon some past choices can bring up difficult emotions, so it’s natural to feel averse to looking backward. However, contemplating and examining the details of the past allows you to begin the process of healing from any shame and disappointment you’ve suffered as a result of a perceived bad decision. It also allows you to see the path of growth from a choice you’ve deemed foundational to who you are now.
Delving into the questions surrounding your past choices arms you with insights about who you were and why you did what you did so you can apply that information and proceed differently in the future. As you take yourself deeply into this inquiry process and look at how a particular choice played out over time, you may capture clear gems of wisdom that were previously hidden, and see their full ramifications.
For thought leaders, coaches, authors, and teachers who have a message to share with the world.
You’ve had an “aha” moment realizing you have something of value to share with the world.
Your friends tell you, “You should write a book about this.” Or, “You’ve got to start teaching a class on this.”
You’ve seen evidence that it works from your clients’ transformative results. But you’re stuck. It’s too intangible, too vague, and the last thing you want to do is share a regurgitated version of someone else’s idea.
This coaching experience will enable you to capture both the broader vision and the nuanced details of your message.
Utilizing my Choice Mapping System™, you’ll have a concrete, visual representation that will empower you to finally get your genius out of your head and into the marketplace.
Questions? I’d be happy to speak with you choose which coaching option is best for you. Click here to schedule a time to speak.
Choice coach, connector, chief operator, lover of all things marketing, author of the book, The Book of Choice; and host of the podcast, The Voice of Choice.