Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

A Personal Letter from Kim on… How to ACCELERATE Your Results with Your New Customized Launch Playbook.

Dear Member of the Women’s Launch Playbook,

As you complete the modules of the Launch Playbook, I’m confident that you have all the tools, tips and templates you need to create your own customized Launch Playbook. And if you’ve hit your launch button – congratulations – I’m thrilled to see you take this big step forward!

But if you haven’t launched, have no idea when you’ll do it, and are wondering if you even can do it, you’re probably struggling with implementation. And there’s no shame it that. It happens to all of us.

Some of the challenges I hear that are getting in the way for some of you are…

  • Carving out enough time from your very busy schedule. You still haven’t created your Launch Playbook because you’re too busy running other parts of your business.
  • Figuring out how this launch fits in within your overall business plan. You realize now that maybe your original launch idea was too big or maybe not big enough.
  • Drowning in left-brain details. You are a right-brained visionary so you see your final objective but you’re not good at mapping out all the things you need to do to get there.
  • Feeling like you’re not enough. You still lack confidence in your ability to step out of your current comfort zone and go out in a much bigger way.
  • Worrying about what you don’t know how to do. You’re procrastinating because even though you haven’t admitted it to yourself, you’re worried about an upcoming task that’s too hard, too technical, too overwhelming etc.

So here you are with a decision to make. You have your customized Launch Playbook with all the pieces of the puzzle you need to manage a successful launch.

Are you going to put them together or are you going to walk away from it even though the finish line is closer to you then ever before?

If you’re struggling with implementation AND if you’re really committed to getting your project launched I want to be there for you as your personal Launch Coach.

Coaching works – you already know that sometimes you need the support, accountability and extra know-how that comes from the right coach.

I’ve put a lot of thought on how to best support you because I believe in you. I believe that your launch will not only help your target market, it will help you create a fantastic revenue stream that will lead to bigger and better things for your business.

This new program is called The Launch Acceleration Program because it’s really about accelerating your momentum. I’ve created two different levels of this six-month program so you can find the exact level of support you need to cross the get done what you originally set out to do. Take a look at everything you get…


(One-Time 2-hour session)

This is a must-have if you’re ready to take a close, hard look at the expansive vision of your business and create a roadmap to get you there as quickly as possible. We’ll strategize how your current launch works within this vision so you’re crystal clear on the most profitable, revenue-generating actions you need to take. Then we’ll review your launch playbook and make sure you have all the “plays” – tactic and strategies – ready to go so you can not only hit your “launch” button, but you can begin to pave the way for a whole new profitable revenue stream for your business.

This one-time session can be done via phone or Zoom.

One Time

One Time


One-Time 1-hour session)

We’ll discuss which implementation roadblocks have been causing you the most trouble. Then we’ll review your launch playbook and make sure you have all the “plays” – tactic and strategies – ready to go so you can get your project launched successfully and with a minimum of stress!

This one-time session can be done via phone or Zoom.

One Time

One Time


(30-minute sessions – once a month or twice a month)

The focus of these 30-minute implementation coaching sessions is to provide accountability, support, connections & resources as you work towards your goals.

Here are examples of the types of issues we’ll cover in our implementation sessions:

  • Product/program creation – map out the final steps to creating your offering.
  • Marketing – hammer out your marketing plan so you reach as many in your target market as possible with your compelling call to action.
  • Team – invite team members to our call to answer their questions and make sure they’re on the same page and poised to implement your plan.
  • Technology – ensure your server can handle the spike in traffic, as well as setting up your opt-in page, sales page, order forms, affiliate cookies etc.
  • Customer retention – plan how to nurture the relationship with new customers and identifying possible upsells and downsells.

1 per month

2 per month


(15 minute sessions – once a month or three times a month)

A key to implementing is keeping your momentum going. If you hit a roadblock you can get extra support or the right information you need to move your project forward. Phone lines open for a 15-minute laser quick fix.

1 per month

3 per month


(4-hour session every other month – 3 total)

For times when you need me to visually see what you’re doing and provide feedback on new graphics, a sales page, email sequence etc. You can email me for personalized feedback. You finally have someone you trust to bounce your ideas off of – take advantage of this amazing on-demand access

every other month

every other month


A monthly 60-minute live group call to address the challenges or bottlenecks you might be experiencing with your specific project. You can address your specific questions and receive my on-the-spot solutions. Jump in the hot seat for live coaching or see how to problem solve when you learn how others are moving forward.

1 per month

1 per month


A place to post “how to” questions and get my feedback on any project you’re working on, make commitments and track your progress, as well as network with other members for additional launch insight.



This is a 6-month program: You can make 6 easy monthly payments.

Or pay once upfront and get a whole month of the Launch Acceleration Program for FREE!

One Month Free

As your Launch Coach, I will support you as you strategize and manage all your details, deal with the unexpected challenges (that inevitably come up in every launch), and keep you accountable and moving towards your end goal. You will have ongoing access to all the wisdom and real-life experience I’ve attained from managing several successful 7-figure launches.

I am 100% committed to your success. This program is the best way to accelerate your results so you and your ideal clients can start benefiting the product you’re launching. I want this to work for you so please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Are you ready to take a giant leap forward? Sign-up today and just imagine how great you’ll feel when you get your project launched!

To your success,

P.S. As you noticed this program is about taking action. If you don’t take action, you will not get results. But nothing will keep you from realizing your goals faster than delaying decisions. So please make the decision for yourself and your business to take action and get accelerated results.