Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

How to Build an Info Product

Attention: Coaches, Consultants, Nutritionists, Designers, Writers (or ANYONE in a Service-Based Business)

“I Know You’re Ready to Create a

Revenue-Generating Info Product

with Your Name On It”

Here’s the Shortcut You’ve Been Looking for

to Get It Done in 2 EASY Steps

So You Can Quickly Become an Expert in High Demand,

Bringing in an Ongoing Stream of Passive Income

Dear Fellow Service-based Entrepreneur,

Create your own info productAre you stressed or excited when it comes to creating your own info product?

I want you to be excited!

Imagine reaching hundreds or even thousands of your ideal clients, because instead of providing your hourly-based service you’re offering them a product that has no geographic boundaries or limits on who can purchase it.

Imagine that instead of relying solely on your hourly rate or retainer fee, you made “passive” income selling products to a new community of people.

As a business professional, whether you’re a coach, virtual assistant, nutritionist, graphic designer or in ANY other kind of service-based business, you’re helping your clients all the time. If you stop and think about it you’re constantly solving problems, helping them overcome challenges and using the wisdom you’ve accumulated to improve their lives. You have a lot to share!

Creating your very own information product allows you to continue doing WHAT YOU DO BEST which is providing high value to your ideal clients. BUT it also allows you to leverage your time and expertise much more efficiently.

I’m guessing that you’ve thought about it but are you…

I hear about these challenges from busy entrepreneurs like you all the time which is why I’ve put together a special product – to help make this process stress-free.

Creating an Info Product is So Much EASIER

Than You Think When…

You Leverage What You ALREADY Know

People crave information and they use the internet to gather information to solve their problems. So everyday thousands and thousands of your ideal clients are looking for the kind of solutions YOU provide.

An info-product provides solutions to the problems of your ideal client and gives them great value. An info-product is typically written or recorded content around a particular topic that is packaged and delivered either via the internet or by mail. (Think “downloadable” like an ebook, report, e-course or video training series. Think “shippable” like a CD, DVD or Home Study course.)

Here’s the great news: As a business professional, you work with your ideal client all the time so you know who he or she is, what problems or challenges they’re experiencing and what they need from you to improve their life.

You already have the “WHAT”.

Now it’s just a matter of helping them solve their problem via a product versus in-person. It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.

You might be thinking, “This sounds good in theory but I don’t even know where to start.”


Are You Ready to Get Your Info Product

Out of the Idea Stage and Out Into the World?

Kim DeYoung

It’s funny in life how you sometimes come back full circle. I began my career developing product for the Gap and Banana Republic. That was my passion and I loved understanding my customer and creating clothing that met their needs.

While my clothing days are part of my past, I’m back in product development mode as the founder of Get it Done U. But, instead of developing physical products, I create information products.

And the truth is, the skill of creating products (whether physical or information-based) is really the same—it’s about getting into the space of your ideal client and thinking about what they want, what you have to offer and how you can provide it to them.

I’ve synthesized what I’ve learned and am pulling back the curtain to share it ALL with you like…

Imagine in a few short weeks, looking proudly at your own info product, that you created, with your name on it!
Imagine the rewards – whether that’s more income, a bigger list, or more credibility...


Introducing an Easy 2-Step Program to

Quickly Create and Sell Your Very Own Info Product

I’ve taken what I’ve learned and synthesized it into a self-study program called How to Build a Profitable Info Product with built-in flexibility so you can work your project in around YOUR schedule. The beauty of this program is it’s completely CUSTOMIZABLE so you will be able to grab (and digest) the information that applies to your particular project (and hold onto the rest for later projects if you want to).


Kelslie Morales“Kim’s How to Build a Profitable Info Product program is terrific! Prior to the course I had all of these great product ideas swirling in my head. Working with Kim has helped me realize my authentic gifts to offer in the world to leverage my time and help more clients globally. The value she offers with tons of content is terrific! I’ve actually copied everything for my business library. I loved the way she broke the overwhelming task into bite size pieces that you felt as though your small efforts were a part of the bigger picture. This course is one of the best I’ve taken in a long time. Thanks Kim for giving me all the tools I need to begin creating my products!”

Sarah Hathorn
Illustra Image Consulting


Jane PollakKim’s How to Build a Profitable Info Product class opened up enormous possibilities for me as a business owner. I found her breadth of knowledge – from minute technical issues to broad marketing techniques – to be truly exceptional.  Kim drove home the message that what I know is unique and can be easily re-purposed into info products such as workbooks and articles as forms of passive income. Who doesn’t want that?!

Many of us feel that everyone already knows what we know. Now I truly believe that my audience craves more information in exactly the way I communicate it. What’s more, Kim gave me the tools (and the steps) to make it happen.

Jane Pollak



Let me walk you through the basics of my 2-step system that I’ll teach you so you can create your info-product in a few short weeks.


Step One – Think It

  • Think ItFind out more about the world of information marketing. You don’t have to be a slick marketer to make money with an info product.
  • Conquer your limiting beliefs and step into a place of strength so you STAND out, even in a crowded market.
  • Zero in on your ideal client who’s starving for what you have to offer and get clear on your ideal client’s biggest challenges so they can’t wait to pay for your solution.
  • Take what you ALREADY know and create your product. Learn how to repurpose what you already have, so you can quickly generate cash from your idea.

Plus a BONUS Call“The Secret Weapon to Generate Content You Can Sell FAST” with Guest Expert Paul Evans, owner of Nicheology & Content Goldmine!

Step Two – Create It

  • Flow ChartDetermine the right format for your product. Learn how to create reports, ebooks, audio & video training and which is best for you and your audience.
  • Discover four techniques to streamline product creation that suit your personality since not everyone is a writer. Learn the fastest way to get your ideas out of your head and into a product.
  • Get your hands on valuable templates and screenshots. These templates are HUGE because you don’t have to start from scratch.
  • Learn how to get your product ordered and delivered without any hiccups. Avoid problems by setting-up reliable backend systems whether your product is downloadable or hard copy.
  • Fight overwhelm by breaking your project down into manageable pieces. You’ll get ALL the steps broken down for you into “buckets”

Plus a BONUS call: The Pros & Cons of Various Email and Shopping Cart Systems” – Listen in as my assistant and I share all the ins-and-outs of shopping carts and mail systems. You’ll receive our helpful templates as well.


Heather StephensHow to Build a Profitable Info Product is brilliant! It helped me figure out how easy it can be to come up with great content. I especially appreciated the PLR (Private Label Rights) training because now I see that it’s something I can make my own, as a springboard for ideas. I appreciated that even though every little thing we know is something we learned from someone else, when it’s coming from me, in my voice, that makes it uniquely mine.

Heather Stephens


heather price WOW! Get it Done U was already an amazing resource but Kim’s group coaching programs are phenomenal! I took part in her How to Build a Profitable Info Product class. Not only did this class help me come up with my first idea for an info product, it’s helped give me the confidence to move forward with it and slide with ease through the obstacles. I enjoyed the group camaraderie via the forum and Kim’s super informative but calming style of leadership.

Heather Price


How to Think & Create Your Very Own

Info Product Around Your Schedule

Imagine, once you learn how to use these 2 steps you’re going to have the confidence and the know-how to get your own info product out of your head and into the marketplace. The beauty of this self-study program is that it gives you the flexibility to digest this information around YOUR schedule and you can go back and review sections later.

Here’s how it will work, as soon as you sign up you’ll get access to our virtual classroom where you get…

How to Build an Info ProductAccess to 6 module trainings of the entire How to Build an Info Product 2-Step System in manageable bite-sized pieces in different formats – PDF workbooks written/ audio coaching / video coaching. You’ll have the flexibility to digest this information around YOUR schedule..

You’ll receive access to the to all the content right away. If you’re driven to move thru the content quickly, then do that. If you want to move slowly I’ll send you email reminders to keep you on track. My goal is for you to make progress, your way, without the overwhelm.

You’ll have the flexibility to digest this information around YOUR schedule.


Comprehensive Handouts, Templates and Checklists 

If you’re a visual learner, you’ll fine the handouts, templates and checklists really help you grasp the concepts of How to Build an Info Product. Even seemingly complex and technical aspects are synthesized for you into manageable and digestible templates. You’ll love these customizable templates that show you how to break down your project. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel – just plug the particulars in and you’re off and running – this is a huge timesaver!

BONUS – Lifetime Membership to the Get It Done Action Club on Facebook for additional support

You’re going to have questions and I want to make sure you get the answers. So I’m inviting you as my VIP guest into private Facebook group of the Get It Done Action Club. You will have me “in your back pocket” so you can ask the questions that come up and get the support you need to keep your momentum going..  


Are You Ready to Share What You Have

to Offer With a Larger Audience

and Profit From It in a Big Way?

How to Build a Profitable Info Product is a simple 2-step process but here’s the thing – it only works if you “Do It”. I purposely made this program affordable for everyone and if you’ve read this far my guess is that it’s because you want to expand your reach, leverage your time and make more money. It’s time to stop leaving money on the table and make a solid investment into doing it!

I don’t know about you but when I invest my time and money to learn something new it motivates me to see it through—whether it’s losing 10 pounds or learning how to set up a blog. It’s human nature.

So let’s partner up, and let me give you access to the customized learning you need and get it done!

It’s important to share that this program is NOT FOR YOU if you’re not ready to focus, take the necessary steps and commit to taking action.

The bottom line is this program is for those who want to IMPLEMENT and do what they need to do to create new revenue streams. It’s for those of you who want to maximize your time, energy and resources effectively because your time is too valuable to keep trading dollars for hours.

Plus You’re Protected by My Personal “Get-It-Done” Guarantee

I’m confident that you’re going to be thrilled by the tools and strategies you’ll learn starting with the very first class. To back that up, I’ll give you two weeks of access to decide if it’s a good match for you and where you’re at in your business and in your life. If you decide it’s not for you … just let me know before your two weeks of access and receive a 100% refund! No questions and no hard feelings.

Once you have your very own information product, it can…

I know you see the benefits of having your own info product and I want to reward you for TAKING ACTION,  Here is what you receive when you act now…

CheckYes Kim! I want to learn

How to Build a Profitable Info

Product so I can expand my reach, leverage my time and

make more money!


There are TWO ways to join, I want…

“I love getting a step-by-step direction so I can Build My Info Product at my own pace:”

  • 6 training modules on exactly how to create my own information product. MP3 recordings, Workbooks and Video training so I can access the information I need anytime AND in my preferred learning style.
  • Handouts, Templates and Checklists – that will serve as my roadmap and help me implement my learning. These will simplify my process and I’ll be able to return to them repeatedly. (Many have said my templates are worth their weight in gold.)
  • A Lifetime Membership to the Get it Done Action Club on Facebook. As I have questions that arise from going through the program, I’ll be able to reach out for answers and feedback, directly from Kim.
I’ll also get access to these BONUSES:
    • Paul Evans sharing “The Secret Weapon to Generating Content You Can Sell FAST


  • Kim and her assistant Rebecca Emerson speaking about “The Pros & Cons of Various Shopping Carts and Email Systems

Launch at My Own Pace


“I want to fast track my results with 1-1 coaching with Kim for strategic accountability and support and Fast Track Building My Product”:

  • 6 training modules on exactly how to create my own information product. MP3 recordings, Workbooks and Video training so I can access the information I need anytime AND in my preferred learning style.
  • Handouts, Templates and Checklists – that will serve as my roadmap and help me implement my learning. These will simplify my process and I’ll be able to return to them repeatedly. (Many have said my templates are worth their weight in gold.)
  • A Lifetime Membership to the Get it Done Action Club on Facebook. As I have questions that arise from going through the program, I’ll be able to reach out for answers and feedback, directly from Kim.
  • PLUS! Get It Created Coaching Session. In this 60-minute session Kim will zero in on what kind of info product, service, event or program makes the most sense for my unique business. She will pull my brilliant ideas out of me so I can quickly generate cash from your idea! After identifying WHAT I should be creating, she’ll give me the HOW. I’ll walk away with my direct, implementation-focused suggestions regarding specific actions I can take to quickly create a new revenue-generating product or service for my business.
I’ll also get access to these BONUSES:
    • Paul Evans sharing “The Secret Weapon to Generating Content You Can Sell FAST


  • Kim and her assistant Rebecca Emerson speaking about “The Pros & Cons of Various Shopping Carts and Email Systems
  • PLUS! Direct email access to Kim for 30 days so that I can ask questions and get advice “on the fly” as I need it.

Launch at My Own Pace

Plus I’m covered by Kim’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!


Make this the time you take action and create a life where you CAN work less and play more! Imagine being at a soccer game with your kids, on the phone with a friend or even sleeping and knowing that sales are coming in! Invest in yourself today.

To your success,

Kim Kim

Kim DeYoung

Your Get It Done Guide

Founder of Get it Done U


P.S. As you noticed this program is about getting it done, it’s about taking action and taking the steps. If you DON’T take action, you WILL NOT get results. You’re covered by my guarantee, so you don’t have anything to lose. Click here to get started now at an unbelievably low price, and let’s get to work!


Theresa AndersonHow to Build a Profitable Info Product has been an incredible program. I have taken so many programs and felt I got fair value out of them. However, this one has totally blown me away. I was so impressed with Kim’s approach as teacher, the wealth of information, the quality of the information, and the participants. Kim is EXTRAordinary and definitely attracts phenomenal people.

My key nugget is that my info product doesn’t have to be anything hard. In fact, it’s going to be based on something that I already know. The really exciting thing for me is knowing that if I can create the first one, the rest will follow, and become more fluid and exciting as I move forward. That is what Kim inspired in me – to just get that first piece done and you’ll get the momentum you need.

 Theresa Anderson

New View Staging


Kelsie MoralesKim is so amazing! How to Build a Profitable Info Product was exactly the class I was looking for. I learned so much and gained so much needed clarity on my info product. I appreciated all the time and tremendous value Kim provided – she rocks!

 Kelsie Morales

Girl Power Studio

Learn how to create an info product TODAY!