Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Strategize Your Launch

Bonus: Get it Done Launch Checklist

This checklist, which you can easily customize for each of your own projects, will help you organize the tasks that need to get accomplished to complete your launch. This tool will help you stay on top of your launch instead of feeling overwhelmed.

How to Create & Run a Pilot Program

Have you dreamt of teaching a class or creating a product but find yourself too afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do it? Maybe you’re scared that no one will want what you have to teach, or maybe the whole process seems overwhelming to you, or maybe you’re nervous that what you’ve got isn’t perfect or interesting enough.

After having struggled with the same issues I had an epiphany a few years ago. I thought, “What if I could teach what I know to a small, safe and trusted group of people and work out the kinks of my content and get over my fears?”

This concept, which I affectionately call “The Pilot Program,” became my vehicle to safely create and launch new ideas out into the world.  If you have an hour-long class, a multi-week coaching program or a multi-step system that you want to share with others (but have not had the courage to do it yet), then you’re going to want to learn all my secrets on how this process works.

I’ve had so much success with creating and running pilot programs that I am sharing what I’ve learned with you so you can finally get yourself out there. Good news is this is not a big investment of your time or money. Just one hour (on your schedule), a small fee and you’ll know all my secrets that you can implement right away.

After taking the Pilot Program class you’ll…

  • Feel safe because it’s a “soft” launch to a trusted group within your list
  • Get over perfectionism because you’ll create, test and adjust as you go
  • Make money while you’re still in the “creation phase”
  • Get validation when you see participants’ results so you can offer the program later on with greater confidence and integrity
  • Gather social proof because you’ll have real-life testimonials

During your participation in How to Create & Run a Pilot Program I’ll take you behind the scenes and show you how to to run your own program. It’s such an easy way to launch that after our one afternoon together you can get started that same day.

Here’s the link with more details.