Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

The Content Creation Experience

For thought leaders, coaches, authors and teachers
who have a message to share with the world.

You’ve had your aha moment…That moment you realize you have something of value and consequence you need to share with the world.

Your friends and family support your vision and tell you, “You should write a book.” Or, “You’ve got to start teaching a class.” Or, “you should give a talk.”

And you’ve seen evidence that your process/philosophy works from your clients’ transformative results. You know your work and message is relevant, it’s important, and it needs to be out there.

But you’re stuck.

It’s too intangible, too vague, and the last thing you want to do is share a regurgitated version of someone else’s idea.

What if you could pull all of your brilliance out of the shadows and into the light?

What if you were handed a detailed game plan to help
get your brilliance out of your head and out there in the world?

What if what has been invisible is now seen?

Are you ready? Because that’s exactly what we’ll accomplish during your Content Creation Mapping Experience.

This coaching experience will enable you to capture both the broader vision and nuanced details of your message.

Utilizing my Choice Mapping System™, you’ll have a concrete, visual representation that will empower you to finally get your genius out of your head and into the marketplace.

Taking the time to dig deep during your own Content Creation Mapping Experience will have far-reaching benefits. Through my inquisitive questioning you’ll gain clarity on the following:

  • Who will benefit most from your message
  • Why this message and why this message now
  • The best format for your message–a book, podcast, info product, class curriculum, TED Talk,  etc.
  • What makes your message uniquely yours
  • The difference you want to make in the world
  • How you want your audience to feel while they’re digesting your message
  • What you want your audience to do as a result of what they’ve learned
  • What lessons do you want to teach
  • What stories will you share to support your lessons

Here’s a quick behind-the-scenes video so you can see what it felt like for one of my clients to get her brilliant ideas out of her head and onto a Content Creation Map, providing a framework so she could then write her book in 30 days.

How the Content Creation Mapping Experience Works

My coaching process is very action-oriented so you’ll walk away with clearly defined next steps.

A lack of clarity can stop you from sharing your brilliance with the world.

If you’re not ready to give up on your genius, this is your opportunity
to move forward with conviction and integrity.

What Others are Saying...

Got Questions?

I’d be happy to speak with you before setting up the initial intake session.