This one-on-one day together (in person or virtually), and the work we do together afterwards will give you dramatic results very quickly. In fact, you’ll end up taking action twice as fast as you think you can.
You and I will begin with a very expansive visioning of all that you currently have in place and all that you want to accomplish. This process is so thorough and comprehensive it’s only available to clients of this program. Depending on where you are with your business we will first look at your business through the lens of the Strategic Money Map and then either through one of the other lenses noted below.
The purpose of the Money Map is to maximize the value you get from each and every prospect and customer that comes through your marketing funnel.
This is your big picture plan and this is where I typically start with my clients before we begin focusing on what specific projects will get prioritized. This map will clarify how money flows in your business from your prospects through your main offering to future upsells. It is what matters almost more than your products and services themselves.
It is critical that the right marketing pieces are in place at the right time. Do you have the right Lead Magnet, Tripwire Offer, Core Offer, Profit Maximizer and Re-engagement Path? Is the execution of each of those marketing assets executed in the most effective manner? Is all of your messaging congruent with your offers and what your target market really wants? The real question for you to consider is whether you are willing to take the chance at just getting a smaller dollar value from every prospect that visits your business vs. a higher dollar value of potential by not effectively mapping the flow of money on the front-end and then continuously as your business grows.
Nothing in your business has a bigger impact on your bottom line than the relationship you have with your customer. The objective of a Prospect Customer Optimization Analysis is to uncover missed opportunities in your current business so that you can connect more deeply with your prospects & customers to maximize your relationship with them and in turn optimize your revenue. I’ll provide you with specific recommendations for improvement in your current marketing funnels so you can increase your opt-in and sales conversions, which will have a direct bottom-line effect.
The Playbook is a comprehensive and detailed listing of all the tasks involved to get your offering launched which includes all the marketing collateral determined in the initial map we create. I will note all my suggestions for avenues for your launch and leveraging your product. The Playbook lists all the tasks of your project noting: (1) what the task is (2) when it needs to be done and (3) who’s doing it.
Then, we’ll determine which of those projects make the most sense from a momentum, financial and resources perspective for you to focus your efforts. Warning: these goals will be realistic yet bold.
Next, we’ll break your project down into small pieces, delegate them (where appropriate) and create specific systems so the details of your project are completed efficiently and on schedule.
The VIP Experience is a very customized 5-hour day for the very motivated entrepreneur. We’ll then stay connected via two 30-minute follow-up coaching sessions so you stay on track. Once you book your day with me, we’ll begin with an intake for you to share details about your business, and what you’d specifically like to achieve in our time together.
Choice coach, connector, chief operator, lover of all things marketing, author of the book, The Book of Choice; and host of the podcast, The Voice of Choice.