Join The Journey to Possibility in May

Join The Journey to Possibility in May

To profit from your expertise you need to create products or services that your ideal client is starving for, so they can’t wait to pay you for your solutions!

In this 60-minute session we’ll zero in on what kind of info product, service, event or program makes the most sense for your unique business. I excel at helping you step into your expertise and then pulling your brilliant ideas out of you so you can quickly generate cash from your idea!

After identifying WHAT you should be creating, I’ll give you the HOW. You’ll walk away with my direct, implementation-focused suggestions regarding specific actions you can take to quickly create a new revenue-generating product or service for your business. Following our call I’ll write up and send you a customized Action Steps Report to help you stay on track.

"Yes, I want to schedule a Get It CREATED Coaching Session with Kim!"

I will get a personal 60-minute phone consultation where Kim will help me determine what kind of info product, service, event or program makes the most sense for my unique business.

Then I’ll enjoy her how-to suggestions regarding specific actions I can take to quickly create a new revenue-generating product or service.

PLUS I get the following bonuses:​

  • I’ll receive the MP3 recording of our session so I can listen again and again.
  • I’ll get a customized Action Steps Report from Kim with specific advice on the next steps I need to take to get it done!