What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

What Type of Decision Maker Are You?

The Book of Choice

By author and choice coach,
Kim DeYoung

The Book of Choice

Mapping the Life You Want by Understanding the Life You Have

Ready to make intentional choices to live the life you want? Let me show you how.

The Book of Choice teaches a self-discovery method designed to help you find your way from where you are to where you want to go. It’s a guidebook to making choices and understanding how and why you choose the way you do. Through making conscious choices you become the person you want to be. In this book, you’ll learn a practical approach to making these choices and navigating the bumps along the way. 

Whether you’re facing a big choice right now or grappling with a choice you’ve made in the past, The Book of Choice takes you through a unique process that distills your wisest, most honest insights so you can utilize them.  

You’ll learn how to:

Discern what may be holding you back from making a choice that matters to you and take action to address it

Coach yourself through choices you're making in the present to ensure you’re heading in a direction that matters to you

Use Choice Mapping as a tool to draw insights from past choices to shape your future

Engage in the inquiry and exploration of why you made or will make a choice

Become more proficient at asking thought-provoking questions to stay truthful and centered about your motivation for why you do what you do

Stay conscious, alert, and committed to the actions you take that support your choice to move forward

The Book of Choice

Read Chapter One

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Life-Defining Choices

conscious choices + deliberate actions = open doors of possibility

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About Kim

In a room full of strangers, it’s easy to find Kim DeYoung as you’ll most certainly be drawn to her positive magnetic energy. After a corporate career and a winding entrepreneurial journey, Kim’s passion is coaching creative, visionary entrepreneurs to make meaningful choices that can bring their ideas to fruition.

She’s one of the most attentive listeners you’ve ever met. This is not only part of her persona, but her strategy as a writer, consultant and coach.

Kim absorbs everything you’re willing to impart, listening for the details of the choices you’ve made along the way that got you to where you are now. Using her singularly analytical and compassionate mind, she asks deep-delving questions to see big-picture opportunities and strategize the implementation necessary to bring your dreams to life.

And now Kim has written The Book of Choice, the perfect companion to instruct you in her inspired process for making intentional choices based on insights from the past.