Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Are You a Rhino, Elephant, Ostrich or Rabbit?

Special Invitation to Join the Biz 360 Intensive

I want to invite you to join my 6-month coaching program called The Biz360 Intensive

My passion is to help you get your brilliant knowledge and expertise out to the audience who needs it so you can make the difference you want to make and earn the income you know you deserve. Nothing would make me happier than to be a part of that journey with you.

If you’re anything like me, and the people I work with, you’ve got great expertise and know you have a message and offerings that can make a great difference, if only you could get them out there in a more meaningful way.

You’re  creating products, services and offerings. Maybe you’re already launching them out to your ideal market. It’s likely some of what you’re doing is working well and some of what you’re doing isn’t allowing you to accomplish your goals.

It’s also likely that some part of your business is overwhelming you…

Is it creating your products and services? Maybe it’s mapping out your different revenue opportunities, or your frustration with technology. Maybe it’s all the marketing and launching options available to you. Maybe it’s the mindset noise in your head getting in your way. Maybe it’s a combo of it all.

The problem is you’re not getting your expertise out there as fully as you wish and you’re likely doing things that aren’t delivering results. And if you’re not delivering results, you’re not helping as many as you know you could, and you’re certainly not making as much money as you know you’d like to and feel that you should.

That’s frustrating, especially when you lack support.

Some of the challenges that may be getting in your way are.. 

  • You’re working harder but you can’t seem to break through to the next level in revenue that you know you deserve.

  • You’re not feeling satisfied. The work you’re doing might be paying the bills but it’s not your passion anymore, and you’re not having fun.

  • You have a new product or service you secretly LOVE but that’s the problem — it’s a secret… you just can’t get it out of your head (or hard drive) and into the marketplace!

  • You’re drowning in left-brain details. You’re a right-brained visionary and see your final objective, but you’re not great at mapping out all the details and steps you need to take to make that happen.

  • You’re feeling like you’re not enough. You lack confidence in your ability to step out of your current comfort zone and step out into the world in a much bigger way.

  • You spend a lot of time worrying about what you don’t know how to do. You’re procrastinating because you’re worried that it’s too hard, too technical, too overwhelming etc.

  • You know you’re not getting your expertise out there fully, and as a result you’re not helping as many as you could, and you’re certainly not making as much money as you know you should.

  • And here’s the big one – you’re tired of all the excuses for why you haven’t made happen what you want to make happen.

  • You’re ready to make a difference! You realize you won’t do it if you have to do it alone. And, if you’re really honest with yourself you know you need support.

Does this resonate with you? Are you ready to get out of your own way and make the difference you know you can make?

If you’re nodding your head, then I’m glad because I have the perfect solution for you at just the right time.

My reason for creating The Biz360 Intensive (in addition to it being the program I’d personally like to have for myself) is that I want to support you over a period of time as the tasks and projects of your business shift and evolve. Unlike some of my other programs this is not about focusing on a single project, this is taking a 360 look at your business and how it’s working as a whole.

During this program I’ll be immersed with you in the details and nitty gritty of your business so you can tweak and improve upon what you’re doing. If you need to change course, I’ll be there to provide direction and support. If you’re stuck, we’ll figure out where and why and I’ll give you the tools and inspiration to move through it.

Stopping and starting over and over again with your business goals is exhausting, so trust during this program I’ll provide you with the practical, hands-on advice you need to create real momentum. 

The Biz360 Intensive lasts long enough so you can make real progress in what matters most to you. And, you’re going to show up with a sense of commitment and drive to get the very most out of our six months together.

This program begins when you’re ready and we’ll begin our work together with a private, one-on-one Strategy Session (via Zoom) looking at the aerial view of your business and evaluating the big picture of what you want to accomplish and then zooming down to strategize the direction you’ll need to take to get there.

Afterwards I’ll create a customized Strategic Action Map with clear action steps for you to take over the coming weeks. I’ll include direct, implementation-focused suggestions regarding specific actions you can take to gain momentum in your business and get you to your destination.

What kind of revenue do you want to be making 6 months from now? That number will be a big part of creating your strategy. If you could earn an extra $2,000 or $5,000 or even $10,000 a month – what would that mean for you, your family and your business?

The Biz360 Intensive is about accelerating your momentum. I’ve created two levels of this six-month program so you can choose the exact level of support you need so you can make the difference you want to make. Take a look at everything you get…

Private Biz360 STRATEGIC Session

(One-Time 60-Minute Session)

This is a must-have if you’re ready to take a close, hard look at the expansive vision of your business and create a roadmap to get you there as quickly as possible. In this one-on-one session we’ll begin with the aerial view of your business by evaluating the big picture of what you want to accomplish and then zoom down to strategize the direction you need to take to get there. This clarity will inspire you to take action and when combined with your strategic action sheet (see below) – you’ll be unstoppable.

One Time

One Time

Customized STRATEGIC Map

After our Biz360 Strategy Session I’ll create a customized Strategic Action Map. This will include direct, implementation-focused suggestions regarding specific actions you can take to gain momentum in your business and get you to your destination. This action sheet will allow you to enjoy your business journey, because you’ll have all the sequential steps you need to take to get there, right at your fingertips

One Time

One Time

Private BREAKTHROUGH Coaching with Kim

(30-minute sessions – once a month or twice a month)

Do you find yourself starting strong but then lagging as you get into the nitty-gritty details of your project? The focus of these monthly coaching sessions is to give you the needed breakthrough so you can keep going whether that’s in the form of accountability, support, connections or resources as you work towards your goals. These calls will ensure you feel completely understood, supported and accountable so you can make it happen!

1 per month

2 per month

QUICK FIX Laser Session with Kim

(15 minute sessions – once a month or three times a month)

When you hit a roadblock use this time to receive extra support or the right information you need to move your project forward. My phone lines open up once a month for a 15-minute laser quick fix. Your own Business 911 when you need a solution.

1 per month

3 per month

ON DEMAND Email Support

(Via email once a week or three times a week)

For times when you need me to visually see what you’re doing and provide feedback on new graphics, a sales page, email sequence etc. You can email me for personalized feedback. You will have someone you trust to bounce your ideas off of – take advantage of this amazing on-demand access.

1 per week

3 per week

Private WRAP-UP Session with Kim

(One-time 60-minute session)

As we come to an end of the coaching program we’ll take a look at how to leverage the foundation you’ve already laid during our six months together so you can quickly catapult to the next level. What’s working and what isn’t? Are you energized or drained by your business decisions? We’ll discuss practical ways for you to work smarter, not harder with advice on how and what to delegate. This gives you the practical next steps so you stay aligned with your business vision and keep that momentum going.

One Time

One Time

This is a 6-month program: You can make 6 easy monthly payments.

Or pay once upfront and get a whole month of the Biz360 Intensive for FREE!

One Month Free

As your coach, I’ll support you as we strategize and manage all your details, deal with the unexpected challenges (that inevitably arise), and keep you accountable and moving towards your end goal. I’m so confident that with the right support you can make the income your deserve to make and make the difference you know you can with the clients who want your expertise.

You’ll have ongoing access to all the wisdom and real-life experience I’ve attained from starting 3 businesses, managing several successful 7-figure launches and working with some incredible corporate clients.

I will not be coaching from the sidelines,  I’ll be there with you every step of the way.

I’m 100% committed to your success. This program is the best way to accelerate your results so you and your ideal clients can start benefiting the products and services you’re offering. I want this to work for you so please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Are you ready to take a giant leap forward? Join me today and begin to imagine how great you’ll feel when you get your project launched!

To your success,

P.S. This program is about taking action. When you don’t take action, you don’t get results. I invite you to make the choice for yourself, and your business, to take the action you need to get the results you want.