Join us for THE POSSIBLE

A two-hour mini-retreat that prepares
you to stand at the beginning of 2023
ready & able to curate the life you desire.

It’s a new year-
a time to declare dreams, visions,
desires and intentions

We LOVE this process!

We believe that everything you truly desire is possible.

But not simply from envisioning it or declaring it.

You must become the living breathing
vessel that births this vision.

Releasing what no longer fits.

Making new choices that reflect your deepest dreams.

Taking action that becomes the bridge to all that is possible.

The next iteration of your life
requires the next iteration of You!

…the YOU that operates from desire rather than fear
…the YOU that consciously chooses rather than vacillates in indecision
…the YOU that is aching to be more expressed
…the YOU that is brave, creative and confident
…the YOU that understands that the field of possibility lies in the unknown
…the YOU that can revel in the excitement (and uncertainty!) of what’s to come
…the YOU that takes up space rather than makes herself small

The YOU that you know,
that you’re here to be.

JOIN US for THE POSSIBLE as our GIFT to you, andYES, gift means free 😉 

Please join us for an intimate gathering of women, where we guide you through a powerful process that helps you stand at the beginning of 2023 clear, committed and ready to curate the life you desire.

We’ll meet together for two hours on Monday January 16th at 6 pm ET.

© 2023 Kim DeYoung